Museum of Civilization

The Musée de la Civilisation in Québec City is a three-part institution that delves into the many facets of human history and the establishment of French America, with the main museum located in Basse-Ville near the Old Port.
Built to designs by the well-known architect Moshe Safdie, the central museum is of great architectural interest.
The permanent collection draws from civilizations around the world, as well as exploring the Québec experience.
The Musée de l'Amérique Francophone (Museum of French America) is housed in the historic Séminaire de Québec in Upper Town. As the name suggests, the museum deals with all aspects of the history of the French in North America.
The Musée de la Civilisation also has exhibits at Place Royale, where Samuel de Champlain founded Québec, the first permanent French settlement in North America.